We had to sell the condo fast


I was impressed by the expertise plus professionalism that I got from the cash for the condo agent that I called about my mom’s place.

My Dad passed away a couple of years ago plus she left her dwelling in Jacksonville, FL to my sibling plus I.

My sibling was getting aggravated plus sad because I didn’t want to sell them property. She told me that she wanted the money plus she was forcing my hand. She wanted me to buy out her half of the house. I didn’t have that kind of cash on me, so I decided to contact a couple of real estate companies. One real estate corporation provided me with cash for the property. I did not anticipate taking a cash offer for the Jacksonville, FL, property, however it sounded like an absolutely fantastic idea. I did not realize there were so many benefits to accepting a cash offer for the home. One of the best advantages is the speed of service. Cash transactions close absolutely suddenly because we don’t have to worry about banks or finance companies. As soon as the corporation agrees to buy the property, they can split me a check plus I can sign the paperwork. I agreed to a cash offer for the condo plus then I provided my sibling half of the proceeds. I shall absolutely never speak to her again. I am sure she was just looking for a check. She had not talked to my Dad for at least 15 years when she passed away. My sibling has a bad drug plus alcohol problem.


sell house with water damage