Options for pallet racks


Organized warehouse management is crucial for businesses looking to streamline operations and maximize storage capacity.

Pallet racking systems are essential in creating accessible and effective storage solutions.

There are a wide variety of pallet racking options to accommodate the varied requirements of different businesses. The most commonly used configuration is selective pallet racking. It is especially versatile and allows direct access to each pallet. Selective pallet racking is suited to businesses with a diverse range of products. The system is easy to install and adjustable. It allows for efficient stock rotation, is cost-effective and an ideal choice for warehouses responsible for a wide variety of SKUs. Drive-in and drive-through racking are suited to high-density storage. With drive-in pallets are stored on continuous rails within the structure so that forklifts can drive right into the racks. Drive-thru racking includes entry and exit points on both sides for better accessibility. This type is a good solution for those businesses with huge quantities of similar products. For businesses looking for a balance between high-density storage and selectivity, push back racking is advantageous. Pallets are placed on nested carts. Each lane is slightly inclined towards the front. When a new pallet is added, it pushes the existing pallets backward. This set up allows for multiple SKUs per level and provides both Last-in-first-out (LIFO) and First-in-first-out (FIFO) storage options. Push back racking optimizes use of space and offers efficiency. Pallet flow racking works on a gravity-feed system. Pallets are loaded at the higher end and move down an inclined rack. The system accommodates products with expiration dates or those operations requiring first-in-first-out access. It supports efficient stock rotation, reduces travel time for forklifts and maximizes use of space.

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