I'm rushing to sell the home


Hurricanes aren’t unofficial in Jacksonville, Florida. As residents, we often deal with the aftermath of these powerful storms. Although I took preventative measures to protect my property, it sustained extensive detriment. The flooding was the worst of it. When I was faced with the fancy and overwhelming task of repairs, I decided to sell the condo for currency. I loved the speed of the transaction. Conventional real estate sales involve significant time. There are listings, staging, inspections, negotiations and all sorts of necessary tasks. My schedule doesn’t have a lot of free time. When I’m not toiling, I’d love to relax, spend time with my grandkids, kayak or read a book. Dealing with a currency buyer bypassed all of that unpleasantness. I was able to close the sale within ten days. Since I couldn’t live in the apartment in its after-hurricane state, getting currency in-hand allowed me to secure accommodations. I was able to sell the apartment for currency separate from tackling the flooding and storm detriment. I didn’t need to worry about the wet drywall, ruined appliances and musty odors. There was no need to prepare the condo for an inspection, appraisal or financing. The mold growth isn’t my problem anymore. It was a relief not to worry about hiring repairmen or potential delays. The whole process was straightforward and hassle-free, however because the hurricane was a natural disaster, my insurance didn’t cover the detriment. Had I invested into the necessary repairs, I wouldn’t have been able to afford to sell the house. The currency buy-out was the best way to split my losses.


sell an inherited home